Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gettin' Jiggy Like That

I dunno if I've told you guys this, but I bought a house. It is awesome. It was built in 1952. It has lots of brick as well as asbestos. A kitchen window. A fireplace. It has a shed in the back yard, covered in ivy, that I will make paintings in.

I've been sanding floors, staining things, painting all the weird beige-colored walls white. I found sawdust in my underwear yesterday. I'm not kidding.

So basically, I'm qualifying my week of silence - los siento, mi hombres y mujeres. My brain is frying from all the nesting instinct hormone its producing. Do forgive.

Buuuuut anyway - I'd love to get you lovelies to check out this pile of awesome, vegan delish over at my pal Ensley's blog - The Preppy Vegan - where I'll be doing a post a week of simpler (but still delish) meals while she's doing her Teach for America thang.

Vegan Migas are my new obsession. Come and see how many toppings you can fit on there before you can't see the tortillas any more. It's fewer than ya think!


  1. Hey there! I found you through ensley's blog and was wondering where you are a chef? i live in charlotte since last year and am vegan as well, would love to try out more vegan restaurants around here! thanks

  2. Hey Michele!

    I work as a personal chef in Huntersville, not at a proper restaurant. Check out the links to the right, tho - there's a list of vegan-friendly eats right there!

  3. Oh, congrats on your new house! I can't wait till I get to make my own house into a home :)

  4. @DR - awwwww, thanks love! Guess what's getting the most attention? The kitchen. Paint, cabinets, gas stove (WOOHOO), it's a blast.

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